Vrtec Jelka


Vormingscentrum Hivset



Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Arad

SZŠ a VOŠZ Plzeň

North West Regional College

Tokuda Hospital Sofia




Herentalsstraat 70
2300 Turnhout


Contact person:
Annemie Lauryssens



HIVSET is a secondary vocational and technical school in the rural region of Turnhout. Started 60 years ago as a traditional school for nursing, the school grew in the last 20 years to a campus where over 1000 pupils, students and trainees follow a learning curriculum leading towards all professions in social care, professionally guided by a staff of 300 teachers and staff members. HIVSET has integrated in his mission to play a significant role to fight social exclusion in the region and organizes specific learning curricula ‘nursing’ and ‘introduction to the social sector’ for migrants/refugees.Training on the job and work based learning including qualitative mentoring and vocational guidance is a strong focus in all the educational programmes at the HIVSET campus. Therefore we also coordinate a pilot project on ‘learning on the job’ for the Flemish Department of Education. This project is an integrated part of our strategical development plan 2013-2018 and the results will be contained in our quality handbook with EFQM as reference framework.



We have built expertise in programmes enhancing the quality of our learning offer in training and guidance of work-based learning and we are continuously developing new and innovative approaches. Enhancing the professional growth and career guidance of the staff members and those involved in training and education (VET) by increasing the quality of international knowledge exchange and continuous training is a focus in the HIVSET management plan 2013-2018.
HIVSET has a large tradition of coordinating international exchanges and European projects and partnerships in the former Leonardo da Vinci programme. The coordinator of international relations has been invited to present our expertise in several national monitoring seminars of EPOS and on the European monitoring conference on work based learning of NetWBL (Brussels, 2014).



Vormingscentrum Hivset

logo_Vormingscentrum HivsetHerentalsstraat 70
2300 Turnhout

Contact person:
Dominique Devel



Lifelong learning Center HIVSET vzw is a non-profit organization providing vocational education and guidance relating to lifelong learning in the social sector. As a training centre the organization focuses on programmes stimulating learning on the job. We offer several education courses for students in a dual programmes: combining working and learning. We also run in service-training on demand of the local and regional organizations in the social sector.
Some of our courses are short vocational training for midwives and care workers. Other programmes focus on the guidance of newcomers in the job or of people working in social economy projects. We also offer a 2-year training ‘Leadership in Care’.



During the former Leonardo partnership, Lifelong Learning Center HIVSET brought in his experience on EFQM to elaborate a self-evaluation instrument for workplaces to evaluate their capacity as a learning environment.

The staff members and key persons involved in this project have a great expertise in working with quality checks, also in a European context (coordination of several ESF projects).




logo_LedovecLedce 1
Czech Republic
CZ032 – Plzeňský kraj

Contact person:
Martin Fojticek



Ledovec is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization founded in 2001. Ledovec focuses on psychosocial rehabilitation, counseling, sheltered living, supported employment and leisure and day activities for people with psychiatric problems and/or mental handicap. Ledovec is helping around one hundred clients and has twenty fulltime workers, mostly therapists.

Ledovec has established effective partnerships with the two regional mental health institutes in Plzen, institutes/foundations for psychosocial rehabilitation in Prague and the University of West Bohemia.



Learning on the job in a therapeutic center is a very sophisticated task and it seems to be complicated for the team to express clearly what are the specific skills needed from the therapist. Next to basic social work skills, there is a specific bunch of skills and personal attitudes that are difficult to be taught in theory, but are necessary to do the job properly. As we have paid attention to this specific topic ( soft skills, specific communication skills, special sort of open-mindness,…) in our team, where there are workers with many non-social professions, we have developed some principles we want to offer in this project to wider discussion and we expect partners to enrich these skills so we can share them with our trainees.




logo_UBW GmbHHermanngasse 6/42

Contact person:
Karin Novotny
+43/ 676/676 4159706



UBW is a privately owned, rather small business consultancy firm with lots of experience and excellent contacts within the public sector of Austria and Germany. For the last years the focus of their work was and is the health and service sector, dealing with a variation of services offered to citizens.
UBW also works for Austrian Ministries, Federal State Organizations and NPO-NGO’s, assisting them in delivering appropriate services tot citizens and customers. UBW acts as a consultant, adviser, evaluator and trainer in these fields. Since its foundation in 2006, UBW is also involved in EU projects within the lifelong learning program. The main focuses are in developing project themes and exploitation/commercialization strategies. UBW has a number of 5 staff members and due to trainings there are up to 20 learners.



Austria is leading in the terms of ‘dual education’: a rich experience we have access to and which we can bring into this project, but also a challenge to introduce an innovative model of this dual education.

Expertise of the key persons involved in this project:

  • Sector specific experiences and contacts in Austria
  • Intercultural training experience
  • Dissemination experience
  • Conference organization experience.



Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Arad

logo_Scoala Postliceala Sanitara AradCalae Victoriei Nr. 1-3
RO42 – Vest

Contact person:
Razvan Alexandru Balaban
+40/ 743 027121



Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Arad – Post-Secondary Nursing School – is an institution which managed in the past year to develop itself regarding the nursing education domain. The school achieved this through openness and flexibility, pragmatism and innovation. Our interest and our efforts were centered on finding a creative balance teacher-student, and between the exigencies of the educational process and the socio-professional context.
We started to work during 1920-1941 as the ‘School of Midwives’ and made an evolution in the following years towards new professional profiles: medical nurses, assistant in orthopedics/obstetrics/pediatrics/pharmacy, dental technicians and red cross sisters. From 1974 on our classes prepare students for medical sisters, dental technicians, pharmacy assistant and laboratory assistant. In 1990 our name changed into the present Post Secondary Nursing School.



We have built strong relationships with schools and other similar institutions in the country, regarding health and education on different levels, and are participating in several international networks. Students know foreign languages and are willing to participate in learning activities in this project. Staff members of the school will bring in their expertise in nurse training, conference organization experience, dissemination of information. They have a great availability and openness to a multinational project work.



Vrtec Jelka

logo_Vrtec JelkaGlavarjeva ulica 18 A
1000 Ljubljana – Slovenia
SI021 – Osrednjeslovenska

Contact person:
Petra Kočar
+386/30/661 554



Vrtec Jelka – Kindergarten Jelka is a public preschool upbringing educational organization with the primary goal to provide and to take care of the child’s foundational needs and wellbeing. The symbol of our kindergarten is the fir tree that symbolizes evergreen life and ongoing continuous growth. We operate in four units on five locations and take care of 497 children, including children with special needs. Our educational program is based on understanding, tolerance, friendship, sincerity and continuous professional growth of our staff: preschool teachers and leadership. Our curriculum is enriched by integrated project activities such as: ‘a sporting movement program’, ‘musical dance workshops’, ‘my playing corner can be a garden’, ‘philosophy for youngest’, ‘health in kindergarten’ and others. With cooperation in this strategic partnership we aim to exchange practices in:

  • Implementing curricula of sustainable development in education
  • Evaluation in the process of education
  • Qualitative assessment of job-based learning
  • On the job learning and professional development of pedagogical staff.



Our kindergarten already had rich international experiences. Furthermore, we are a learning kindergarten with excellent practices of mentoring and professional growth programs for educational workers. We are well known for quality preschool education and always ready to share our excellent practices. Since 2001, we participate in several international projects. We have the international Unesco kindergarten and Eco-school kindergarten status, the title of Planet Earth friendly kindergarten and of healthy kindergarten. We also have an excellent cooperation with our local community.



SZŠ a VOŠZ Plzeň

logo_SZS a VOSZ PlzenKarlovarská 99
CZ032 – Plzeňský kraj
Czech Republic
+420 378 015 224

Contact person:
Jan Malata
+420/607 966 700



We are a secondary higher medical school in Plzen and offer education on a wide range of subjects including health and social care. Our students are at the age of 15 to 23 years old. We educate approximately 1000 students with a staff of 170 teachers.
The school is part of a growing and relatively innovative international network of schools in different countries fighting racism. It hosts many visiting students from Europe and USA.



We have many years of experience with international projects, Comenius and especially Leonardo da Vinci and will bring in this experience and all our good practices on WBL in the partnership.

Our teachers and staff members involved in this project have a good experience in project work and international networking.



North West Regional College

logo_North West Regional College78-80 Strand Road
United Kingdom
UKN0 – Northern Ireland

Contact person:
Geraldine Lavery
+44 28 7127 6529



North West Regional College (NWRC) is a leading provider of educational and skills training within Northern Ireland (NI). The college’s three main campuses in Derry-Londonderry, Limavady, and Strabane boast modern and industry-standard learning environments. The college has 4,700 full-time and 21,000 part-time enrolments across its three campuses in the current academic year. There are 225 full-time and 337 part-time teaching staff employed by the college. Courses are provided from entry level to HE levels.
The College serves a region which has suffered greatly in the current economic downturn and has the highest unemployment rates in Northern Ireland. As a result the College is tasked with the requirement to provide curricula targeted at those not in education, employment or training (NEET’s).



North West Regional College has been at the forefront of growth and development within education and training in Northern Ireland for over 100 years. Work based learning programmes delivered through the College’s School of Health & Social Care provide recognized vocational qualifications to staff from the private, voluntary and community based Health and social Care Sectors, which complement the employees’ years of experience in a work setting. In 2013 the NWRC received a Quality Mark, that recognizes we are delivering training courses which have met the highest standards expected by Health Care employers.
Particular areas of strength include trainer qulity and skills set for the Health & Social Care industry, innovation in flexible training methodologies completed with strong pastoral support and robust quality assurance systems delivering positive impact for learners, Health & Social Care employees and their clients.



Tokuda Hospital Sofia

logo_Tokuda Hospital Sofia51B Nikola Vaptzarov Blvd.
BG411 – Sofia
+359 882933 751

Contact person:
Denitsa Dragomirova
+359 896 73 7097



Tokuda Hospital Sofia (THS) is a world-class facility that, given the high specialization of its personnel and its modern equipment, is attracting every year more than 2000 new patients from Europe, US, Russia and Asia. Opened in 2006, the Tokuda Hospital Sofia is the flagship and first international project of the “Tokushukai Medical Corporation” (TMC), which owns and operates over 280 medical facilities in Japan. Nowadays the THS is the biggest and most modern private hospital in Bulgaria in compliance with Japanese and EU standards, boasting a relevant “global” network, 34 specialized medical departments, a modern cardiac surgery center and many other high-tech facilities. Our hospital is recognized as a reliable international partner. We share with our partners different ideas and concepts concerning the development of effective health care management and THS’s quality control and patient satisfaction approaches.



Tokuda Hospital Sofia provides ongoing VET to the staff. All our staff has the chance to participate in different kinds of VET, including job-embedded learning, participation in European and Global conferences. The collaboration with our Japanese colleagues enhances the level of qualification of our staff. THS has a special department of science and education. This department manages the entire process of postgraduate training and vocational education and training, and also organizes thematic courses and workshops for Continuing Post Graduate Education. THS participated in learning on the job in social profit – Leonardo Da Vinci Partnership. During this project we exchanged experiences and best practices in the scope of learning on the job.




logo_KpeduNärvilänkatu 8
FI1D5 – Keski-Pohjanmaan

Contact person:
Annele Heikkilä
+358 40 808 55 43



Keski-Pohjanmaan koulutusyhtymä KPEDU is a group of schools with 9 units. We give upper secondary vocational education in different sectors: industry, house building, business, hospitality, culture, social services, health, agriculture, forestry, kennel and trotting. We have 4000 students (both young and adult learners), 320 teachers and 230 other staff members. International activities are one of the main tasks in our organization strategy plan. Our staff has a long tradition of student exchanges. We are involved in international projects since the year 1990. Every year we send 220 students abroad of which 100 for work periods. 160 staff members travel abroad for meetings and 10 for work periods. Annually we receive 210 foreign guests in our schools (130 students and 80 teachers and other staff). Every year we have 100 development projects of which 30 are international.



KPEDU has for years been participating and also coordinating several different European and national projects. KPEDUs main fields of expertise are:

  • Vocational education
  • Students welfare
  • Entrepreneurship in education
  • Project knowledge
  • Developing learning environments and different learning methods (using new techniques and communication technologies like social media), e-learning, counseling and guidance, preventing drop-out of special needs students.
  • International cooperation and networks, Work Based Learning (local, regional, national as well as international networking).

ECVET harmonizing has been started and our curricula will be rewritten during next year according to the European ECVET based system.