– NEWS –

Conference on Empowerment, Recovery and Professional Growth in Work-Based Learning

We kindly invite you to participate at the Conference on Empowerment, Recovery and Professional Growth in Work-Based Learning.

The conference will be held on 11 May 2017 in Landesklinikum Melk (Melk hospital), Krankenhausstraße 11, Melk, Austria.




Conference day: 11 May 2017

08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:15 Welcome speech
Barbara Schwarz, Representative of the government of Lower Austria (tbc)
09:15 – 10:15 Recovery, Empowerment and Professional Growth in Work-Based Learning – A Business Perspective
Gerda Ruppi-Lang / Head of Working Group on Occupational Health Management
10:30 – 11:15 Work-Based Learning – An Academic Perspective
Prof. Dr. Eva Werner, hon.prof. / FH Krems (University of Applied Sciences Krems)
11:15 – 12:00 Empowerment, Recovery and Professional Growth in Work-Based Learning – A Religious Perspective
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 Workshop sessions

Time Workshop A Workshop B Workshop C: Results of PROFINWBL
13:00 – 14:30

Recovery and Empowerment Cirkus Paciento /

Ledovec (CZ)

Substance Abuse

Annele Heikkilä / KPEDU (FI)

John McQuaide / North West Regional College (UK)

Guidelines for Train-the-Trainer seminars (Curricula for Train-the-Trainer)

Lene Smets / HIVSET (BE)

Toolkit ‘Tools for Quality & Empowerment in WBL’

Natascha Skog / KPEDU (FI)

Ralph Kampleitner / LKH Melk (AT)

Toolkit ‘Career Guidance & Professional Growth in WBL’

Annemie Lauryssens / HIVSET (BE)

14:30 – 14:45 Performance Cirkus Paciento
14:45 – 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 – 16:30

Impro theatre

Regina Schreiber (AT)



Using Serious Online Games to Support Recovery

Lucia Pannese / imaginary (IT)

IT-tools for Open Educational Resources

Tomaž Kocman / Vrtec Jelka (SI)

Curriculum for Learners in International WBL

Bob Van de Putte / HIVSET (BE)

Liliana Bran / Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Arad (RO)

Using New Media to Give Esteem

Verena Hahn-Oberthaler (AT)

 16:30 – 16:45  Performance Impro-Theatre

16:45 End of conference day


Empowerment, Recovery and Professional Growth in Work-Based-Learning – Results and Lookout

To close our EU project “PROFINWBL – Professionalism in Work-Based Learning”, which is funded by the EU programme Erasmus+, we are organising the European Conference “Empower­ment, Recovery and Professional Growth in Work-Based-Learning “. This conference also serves as the Austrian Multiplier Event for the dissemination and communication of our results, combined with an outlook on the potential benefits of the results for the main target group – the “health and social sector” – but also beyond.

The objectives of this conference are:

  • Presentation, dissemination and communication of the project results of our EU project “PROFINWBL”
  • Pointing to relevant developments in other economic sectors
  • Extension of the discussion by also looking beyond the main target group – “health and social services”

By this European conference, we will offer an opportunity to discuss our project results and exchange ideas with representatives of our main target group. At the same time, we want to take account of developments and activities in other sectors and other perspectives in order to ensure mutual learning and knowledge-sharing.

Attend the conference on 11 May 2017 in Melk and let us talk about the various chances of work-based learning for empowerment, recovery and professional growth!

Gerald Wagenhofer
Managing Director UBW Unternehmensberatung
Wagenhofer GmbH


Participation & Registration

Participation is free of charge, as the conference is funded by the Erasmus+ programme.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

If you would like to participate in the conference, please register at:

If you have any questions or need help with registering, please contact:
Karin Novotny
T: +43/676/4159706


Contact & Imprint

UBW Unternehmensberatung Wagenhofer GmbH
Hermanngasse 6/42
1070 Wien
FN 285 856b


Editorial & Layout

Editorial: Karin Novotny; Gerald Wagenhofer
Layout: Ralph Kampleitner


Conference Location

Landesklinikum Melk (Melk hospital)
Krankenhausstraße 11
3390 Melk


Further information and detailed directions to the conference location can be found at www.ubw-consulting.eu.



At www.ubw-consulting.eu you will find a link to hotels in the surrounding area. We kindly ask you to make the reservation yourself.




The ERASMUS+ project staff meeting took place in Pilsen in the Czech Republic from 22nd February to 26th February 2016. This week was arranged by the secondary medical school and medical college SZŠ a VOŠZ Plzeň and the non-profit organization Ledovec, z.s.

Topic of the meeting was recovery and empowerment in WBL.

First day we started at medical school by introduction to the topic of recovery and empowerment and by planning activities through the week.

Tuesday was the day of the 1st Czech International Conference on Recovery where all the meeting participants took part. Head speaker Dr. Mark Ragins is an American psychiatrist, one of the pioneers of recovery worldwide. Together with other speakers and workshops this provided deeper understanding of recovery attitude and how it can be used in WBL.


Wednesday we were pleased to have Dr. Ragins with us for a workshop on implementing recovery principles in working culture of the institutions. In the afternoon study visits at six different places at clinics and schools were held.

Thursday was dedicated to self-experience of empowerment. With a great support of doctor clown Mr. Houdek we had a session and active workshop focused on social circus. This was finished by the circus performance for wide public (students of medical school, clients and workers of different institutions etc.)


Last day the meeting group met in medical school and college to listen to papers of students reflecting their experience with WBL at variety of school practical training centres. The whole week meeting was finished by evaluation and future activities planning session.

Pictures, recordings of the speeches at recovery conference and especially the tools based on topics referred during this week are proofs of the efficiency and effectivity of this staff training meeting.




We kindly invite your organization to participate at the European Seminar on ‘The learning organization’, multiplier event of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership PROFINWBL.

The seminar will be held on 16 March 2017 in Turnhout, Belgium.

For program and more information see the invitation (pdf).

Stories about mentors

Here is first draft of collected stories about mentors of participants of the EU conference Train the Trainer, held on 21. October 2016 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Stories about (hidden) mentors (pdf)

In the near future the stories will be translated in to English and organised more clearer.



Dobrodosli 3

Within the framework of the project cooperation Kindergarten Jelka is organising

Staff training event: E-LEARNING & CAREER GUIDANCE
that will be held in
from 17.10. to 21.10.2016.

In the framework of the events we will be hosting partners from the Slovenian kindergartens and institutions from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Northern Ireland, and Romania.
We will share our best practices and educational work.

Program (pdf)


Professional growth & professional development,

Friday, 21st of October 2016 from 9.00 to 17.00.

Will be held in Technology Park,
Technology Park 19, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The event is organized by kindergarten Jelka in part of the project Erasmus +, which focuses on professional growth, professional development and lifelong learning, and is free for participants.

The seminar is designed for professionals in education, trainers and mentors.

Application form

Deadline: 10. 10. 2016
Application deadline extended until 13. 10. 2016.

This seminar is free of charge.
Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union.

Project meeting in North West Regional College, Londonderry, UK-N.Ireland

From 17th till 19th of April 2016

  • Knowing Derry and his history
  • Working on the intellectual outputs- & peer review of the project results:
    • IT tool in view of open educational resource
    • Toolkit : Career guidance & professional growth in WBL
    • Toolkit : quality & empowerment in WBL
    • Guidelines for train the trainer event
  • Monitoring the project:
    • Briefing on the mid-term report
    • Evaluation & quality check
    • Planning of the project work
    • Heading towards 3 multiplier events

Project meeting in Post Secondary Medical School, ARAD, Romania

From 10th till 13th of May 2015

Working on the intellectual outputs- project results:

  • IT tool in view of open educational resource
  • Career guidance & professional growth in WBL
  • Toolkit 2: quality & empowerment in WBL
  • Guidelines for train the trainer event

Monitoring the project:  evaluation and further planing of project work.

Kick off meeting in HIVSET, Turnhout, Belgium

From 8th till 11th of February 2015

  • Presentation of partners: organization & focusing on the project
  • Project work planning and defining the timeline of project activities.
  • Working on planning project outputs.