career guidance


In this toolbox you find tools to empower students during the workbased learning process. These tools helps students to reflect their emotions, skils and strengths.

Core quadrant game (pdf) 
This tool is about getting to know yourself and others, based on the theory of Daniel Ofman.  Playing cards with a quality, a synonym and a popular saying are used to compose a quadrant with a core quality, a pitfall, a challenge and an allergy that belong together. Participants can compose their own core quadrant and give and receive feedback from others.

The feedback game (pdf)
The feedback game developed by Peter Gerricksen is a playing card game that is looking at one’s personal way of functioning from the point of view of strengths and weaknesses. It helps to find out how well you know yourself and others, and the image others have of you.

Tell your story (pdf)
This tool is about deeper understanding of underlying aspects of helping profession.

The portrait (pdf)
This tool is about getting a clear view on the fears, joys and expectations regarding a given situation or task by the use of specific questions.

Recipe for improvement (pdf)
This tool is about going from reflection to action by the use of 4 specific questions.

The STARR Method (pdf)
This tool is about reflection on your own competencies in a recent work based situation by answering questions about  the situation, your task, actions, results and reflection. The focus is on one or two competencies that must be shown by telling a recent experience.